Shops use Belco for great customer service!

Online shops choose Belco for excellent customer service!

Tailor-made service

"Practice what you preach!" We ensure that we set an excellent example of good customer service! We strive to provide tailor-made service and always work with a solution-oriented approach.

personal advice

Are you unsure whether Belco is the right customer service software for you? We are happy to think along with you and evaluate together whether our software meets your needs and goals. Our advice is always personal and sincere.

Real people

We believe in genuine customer contact: honest conversations with real people. Our bot is there to support, but will never take over a conversation – ever!

Less, but better!

Every business is unique and requires customized customer service. We investigate together with you which functionalities you need and which you do not need. Because sometimes less is more and leads to better results.

Positive feedback from our customers

“Wij zijn heel positief over Belco. Belco zorgt voor overzicht, geeft handige reminders en maakt de communicatie tussen verschillende medewerkers snel en overzichtelijk. Moeilijke zaken kan je makkelijk even doorsluizen naar een collega ;-) Het afvinken van bijvoorbeeld e-mailberichten die afgehandeld zijn, werkt heel fijn en geeft overzicht. Ook vinden we het mailen vanuit het systeem prettig, hierdoor hoef je niet én Belco én je mail open te houden – ideaal!”
Lyan Garritsen
Co-owner -
“Wij zijn erg blij met Belco. Omdat veel van onze gasten zowel in de winkel als in de webshop kleding kopen, is het extra fijn om alle gegevens van gasten overzichtelijk in één systeem te hebben. Daarnaast verloopt het contact met Belco erg soepel en vriendelijk. Onze contactpersoon belt ook regelmatig om te vragen hoe het gaat, dat is nou nog eens pro-actief! Het is ook bijzonder dat we zelf verbeteringen in het systeem aan kunnen dragen. Je kunt eenvoudig suggesties doen en zelfs stemmen op de suggestie van een andere Belco gebruiker, zodat deze hoger op de prioriteitenlijst komt.”
Anna Rinsma
E-Commerce Director - Rinsma Modeplein

Optimize your Customer Service with Our Software

Our customer service experts are ready to teach you everything about Belco. In just 45 minutes we demonstrate how you can optimize your customer service with our user-friendly software.

These customers came before you

Success stories
'Our cases'

Every day, more than 1000 online shops rely on our customer service software! Our solution is intelligent, scalable and above all effective. The result: satisfied customers! Our software proves its worth with a 5-star rating on Google, something we are extremely proud of!

How to reduce the average handling time of logistics questions by 30 seconds. per customer request

Read more about our collaboration with We Love Deco here. We tell you what We Love Deco does, where their customer service challenges lie, what solutions we have found and what results ...

How Shampoo Bars continues to score a 9.3 out of 10 rating with the help of customer service!

Read more about our collaboration with Shampoo Bars here. We tell you what Shampoo Bars does, where their customer service challenges lie, what solutions we have found and what results ...
Next case

Customer Service Software:
Overview & Efficiency

Centralize all your customer communications with Belco's customer service software. View previous contact moments and follow-up actions clearly in your dashboard.

This not only makes your customer service more user-friendly and efficient, but also more fun for both your team and your customers. Because satisfied customers remain loyal customers.

Webshop customer service software

Since 2014, we have been supporting e-commerce companies in optimizing their customer service. Belco's customer service software bundles all communications in one integrated solution and ensures an up-to-date customer profile.

Seamless Integration: Customer Service Software for Webshops

Belco integrates effortlessly with popular e-commerce platforms such as:

Thanks to the webshop connection, you gain direct insight into customer purchases, shopping cart contents and previous communications. Our customer service software brings all essential information from your webshop to Belco.

You don't hear this at Belco

“What is your customer number?”
When a customer contacts you, you can see who the customer is on the customer card and you immediately have all the customer's important information at hand. So no hassle with customer numbers.
Have you contacted us before?
In addition to the customer details, you can also see whether the customer has previously contacted you and through which channels, for example via e-mail, WhatsApp or telephone: indicated with handy icons.
I'm going to take a look at another system.
Belco is all-in-one customer service software. We have placed everything you need to successfully run your customer service in one system – very easy.
For this question you need to ask a colleague.
In Belco you can assign various questions that come in to a specific team. This way, the question always ends up with an employee who can actually answer it.
What a @*#%& service!
Something goes wrong sometimes in every company. With Belco you can respond quickly, customer-friendly and proactively to complaints and you can even quickly turn dissatisfied customers into satisfied customers again.
Curious about what you mainly hear at Belco?