
Shopware 6 vs. Magento 2 – what is the best choice?

Shopware 6 vs. Magento 2 – what is the best choice?

If we knew a clear answer to this question, we would have been happy to give it to you. But unfortunately the choice between Shopware 6 and Magento 2 is not that easy. Do you choose the years of experience and the mountain of functionalities that Magento has to offer or do you opt for the fast-growing and very user-friendly Shopware? An important question for anyone who wants to start an online store or is considering switching e-commerce platforms. To help you get started, we have compared both systems and assessed their strengths and weaknesses based on 3 pillars: experience and community, ease of use and functionalities and connections.

Magento 2 vs. Shopware 6: Experience and community

Magento 2

Magento 2 is the old hand in the trade in this story. It is one of the largest players in e-commerce worldwide. In the Netherlands, about a fifth of all web shops run on Magento. Being such a big player has advantages: the community is enormous and you can't think of a problem without someone having come up with a solution for it before or probably even written a book about it.

Shopware 6

Compared to Magento, Shopware is the new kid in the class. Even though Shopware has been around for years, it is now starting to make a name for itself internationally and the software is becoming increasingly mature. The community may not be as large as that of Magento 2, but users ultimately seem to get the support they are looking for. One comment we can make here: Shopware is growing rapidly and the community is of course growing along with it.

Shopware 6 vs. Magento 2: Ease of use

Shopware 6

Ease of use is one of the USPs of Shopware 6. Both setting up the shop and maintaining it are very easy to do, even without extensive knowledge of code. Shopware's e-commerce environment is very flexible and easy to scale and they have found many smart ways to translate difficult processes into simple and user-friendly solutions.

Magento 2

It is too simplistic to say that Magento 2 is not user-friendly. Especially for a system with so many functionalities, it is relatively easy to use. It is true that, especially when it comes to more complex processes or functionalities, it is advisable to involve specialized developers (and that of course costs money). In fact, the strength of Magento, the wide range of functionalities and options, is also partly its weakness: it simply quickly becomes 'complex'.

Magento 2 vs. Shopware 6: Functionalities and links

Magento 2

The number of functionalities and options for links to other software is simply impressive within Magento 2. The choice is of course nice, but the question is how many of these functionalities you will actually use.

Magento ecosystem is gigantic (plugin and play)

Shopware 6

Shopware 6 is what we call API-based: this means that you can easily link the software to software from external partners and thus create your own e-commerce landscape. When it comes to the range of functionalities, Magento 2 easily beats Shopware 6. But it is true that Shopware's functionalities are very flexible and user-friendly and offer interesting options, especially in the field of marketing and content management.

Good news in between: Both Magento 2 and Shopware 6 can easily be linked to Belco's customer service software using a plug-in. All customer data from the webshop will then be automatically loaded and you will immediately gain insight into what the customer has ordered and when.

Shopware has an API-fresh approach, which offers many possibilities.

And what is ultimately the best choice?

It may sound a bit cheesy, but we can't identify a real winner. Shopware 6 and Magento 2 are both very complete and unique e-commerce platforms. The best choice for you depends mainly on your wishes and objectives with your webshop and which advantages and disadvantages of both parties weigh most heavily for you. Good luck choosing!

What do you choose? Magento or Shopware?